One of the most important (and often neglected) positions on the soccer field is the goalkeeper.
Great goalies make a lot of moves and last-minute decisions while being aware of other players, and keeping their eyes fixed on the ball. Footwork is very important to a goalie's success. Soccer goalies need to be able to move from side to side, jump, and move out very quickly to meet the ball.
Improving as a goalkeeper involves working on reflexes, agility, leg speed, decision-making and hand-eye coordination. In order to hone these skills, lots of practice and constant repetition are required – sometimes in an environment that recreates the intensity and often chaotic nature of a real match.
TSC offers goalkeeping training programs in the Spring and the Fall. Taught by licensed professionals, the program is designed for those players who have a true interest in learning the winning techniques of the goalkeeper.
Just remember that a goalkeeper can save you single-handedly. But he is also the only player who can see the entire pitch from where he stands -- and increasingly that field of vision is fundamental to setting a team off on the right foot.